The Pomeron beyond Bfkl
Conformally invariant reggeon interactions derived from t-channel unitarity are discussed and progress towards understanding the “physical Pomeron”, via massless quark reggeon interactions, is briefly outlined. Presented at the 5th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD, Chicago, Illinois, USA, April 14-18, 1997 Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Division of High Energy Physics, Contracts W-31-109-ENG-38 and DEFG05-86-ER-40272 [email protected]
منابع مشابه
The BFKL and GLDAP regimes for the perturbative QCD pomeron
The S-matrix of diffractive scattering is diagonalized in terms of the colour dipole-dipole cross section. Recently, we have shown that the dipole cross section satisfies the generalized BFKL equation. In this paper we discuss the spectrum and solutions of our generalized BFKL equation with allowance for the finite gluon correlation radius Rc. The latter is introduced in the gauge invariant man...
متن کاملScanning the BFKL pomeron in elastic production of vector mesons at HERA
Elastic production of vector mesons γ∗N → V N is the pomeron-exchange dominated diffractive reaction with much potential of probing the BFKL pomeron. The BFKL pomeron can conveniently be described in terms of the dipole cross section which is a solution of the generalized BFKL equation. In this paper we discuss, how the energy and Q dependence of elastic production of vector mesons at HERA will...
متن کاملDiffusion into infra - red and unitarization of the BFKL pomeron
The BFKL pomeron in perturbative QCD is plagued by the lack of unitarity and diffusion into the infra-red region of gluon virtualities. These two problems are intimately related. We perform numerical studies of the evolution equation proposed by Balitsky and Kovchegov which unitarizes the BFKL pomeron. We show how diffusion into the infra-red region is suppressed due to the emergence of a satur...
متن کاملThe Pomeron and Gauge/String Duality
The traditional description of high-energy small-angle scattering in QCD has two components — a soft Pomeron Regge pole for the tensor glueball, and a hard BFKL Pomeron in leading order at weak coupling. On the basis of gauge/string duality, we present a coherent treatment of the Pomeron. In large-N QCD-like theories, we use curved-space string-theory to describe simultaneously both the BFKL re...
متن کاملQCD, conformal invariance and the two Pomerons
Using the solution of the BFKL equation including the leading and subleading conformal spin components, we show how the conformal invariance underlying the leading log(1/x) expansion of perturbative QCD leads to elastic amplitudes described by two effective Pomeron singularities. One Pomeron is the well-known ”hard” BFKL leading singularity while the new one appears from a shift of the higher c...
متن کاملOdderon and seven Pomerons: QCD Reggeon field theory from JIMWLK evolution
We reinterpret the JIMWLK/KLWMIJ evolution equation as the QCD Reggeon field theory (RFT). The basic ”quantum Reggeon field” in this theory is the unitary matrix R which represents the single gluon scattering matrix. We discuss the peculiarities of the Hilbert space on which the RFT Hamiltonian acts. We develop a perturbative expansion in the RFT framework, and find several eigenstates of the z...
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